Greenville Foothills

Greenville Foothills News

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2019 Winter Camp

Congratulations to our new crop of D1's! Lily R, Maddy H, Izzy A, Kelly A and Lili N all certified on our second (and SUNNY!) day of camp today! Thanks as well to our examiners Evelyn and Jill!


Phew, sometimes even when you're lucky enough to ride a unicorn, camp can be EXHAUSTING....  


Foothills Riding Club Annual Awards 

Some of our members cleaned up at the Foothills Riding Club Annual Awards night and dinner! Congratulations to Adie R, Sophie E and Ally E on their year-end awards!



Riverbend Fence Painting Day

GFPC members giving back to the community! We came close to losing all equestrian activities at Riverbend Equestrian Park, so are showing our appreciation for it's continued equestrian use by helping with the upkeep.  


2019 Holiday Gymkhana

We got rained out last year, so we were extra excited that we were able to have our gymkhana this time around! As you can see, we had all ages, shapes and sizes of horses and riders alike! Many thanks to go around, first to Carrie Gates, for a wonderful job with instructing as usual, as well as providing all of the games equipment. Thanks as well to the generous horse owners who shared their horses and ponies so that all participants at all levels had a chance to ride! The horses that did double duty in both groups also deserve special thanks for their patience, and all horses did an amazing job tolerating the games equipment (with some variation of course!). Finally, thanks to Sean Simms Photography for spending the morning with us and providing all these great pictures!